2 Bushels of Kale Greens
3 Bushels of Collard Greens
2 Ham Hocks
1 Pack of Fresh Success Greens & Kale Season Mix
1 Medium Onion Chopped
7 Cloves of Garlic Chopped
1 Tablespoon of Onion Powder
1 Tablespoon of Garlic Powder
1 Tablespoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Red Pepper Flakes
1/4 Cup of Sugar
2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
3 Cups of Water
Add to Pressure Cooker the Ham Hocks and 1 cup of water, set to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, add Greens and 2 cups of water, then add the onion powder, garlic powder, salt, red pepper flakes, sugar, sliced onion, and chopped garlic, set cooker to 1 hour, after 1 hour taste for seasonings, add the pack of greens season mix, cook for 5 more minutes. Enjoy!